My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Adventures part 1

Alrighty I am now in LA and back in the bloggin scene... well kinda. Now I have a reason to touch this otherwise disfunctional blog. Ok, but enough about that... It's time to complain, what else can a blog be best used for?

The flight was oooook... 7 hours to Japan, 1 hour transit and another 9 hours to LA. My butt cheeks weren't ever that sore I think, and my back too! Food was not tat bad, but inflight entertainment... well, let's just say that Northwest seems to prefer the minimalist concept? I was supposed to be sleeping anyway but goodness sleeping on the plane is terrible. I feel as if I sleep very long but I only sleep for like 2 hours and such... in the end, I reach LA with a terrible jet lag, with LA laggin Singapore by 15 hours...

Next terrible thing that happened. My first hostel stay, and the booking was made on the wrong date! So I not only dun get my room, but I have to pay upfront again for another room which in my opinion is worse, and I am paying more for this room than I would have for the original room! Thankfully of course there was an available room in the first place, lest me and my buddy really be stranded without a place. Now all that's left is that hopefully the travel agency will be able to refund me my money... pray pray...

Alright then, its time to go rest up a bit.. will post pics whenever I can, and then again you peeps should know how badly I work with a cam. Till the next time, stay tuned to the adventures of Wah!Stone in USA...


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