My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

if u knew, Arial

If you knew of the future,
and what it holds for you,
in all certainty,
would you grasp it, accept it, embrace it?
would you do nothing to change it?

If you knew what you are really doing,
now in the present,
then how do you really think of it?
Do you really think that what you do is right?
And if you know its wrong,
why do you still continue?

If you knew how history unfolded,
and you can look back in retrospect,
why would you continue with the faults,
and not change for the future?

If you knew how history unfolded,
then would you be able to pick and choose,
to regret the wrongs,
and take pride in the rights?

If you knew that much,
then would the present be any different?
Would there be any changes for the future?

If you knew that which I see,
that which I hear,
that which I feel,
would you listen to me?
Would you listen to any other?

If you knew true love,
in its essence,
not its proposed form,
would that then make a difference?

If you knew what might comfort you,
would you choose that?
Would you rather this than to face the future?
To make a change,
to erase the past,
to take control of the present,
to listen, and to act?

Would you run away from conflict,
from anger and from hate,
from fights and from tiffs,
and live a life of peace?
To live a life where you look back,
silently asking yourself,
if u knew...


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