My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Sunshine, rain,
Clouds and green,
return from the white,
return from the cold,
back for good,
back from good,
leaving the old, back to the new?

After the chill,
now facing the heat,
back to reality,
away from surreality,
wake up now,
no time to dream,
packed away memories,
till a later time.

One last push,
till another date,
the end is nigh,
no turning back,
the ending of a phase,
entering into another,
new fears faced,
old ones revisited,
till when is the real end?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're back!

I missed you!!!


11:30 AM  

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