My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

wild nights, tame days

After many a beer and wild party, I awake to find myself with these beauties. Say hello to my new "roomies". I simply couldn't resist the shot...



Ok this is just the new poster that I have in my living room. There was some poster sale going on in my Uni today and my roomie was so excited, and he had already bought 2 when he told me. And her was raving so much about this poster so I went ahead and bought it since I like it very much too haha! Pretty neat eh? Now my hostel looks more... warm and house-like ahha. and we have a microwave too! Now we can cook extra and reheat it the next day. Kinda helps us be more at ease when cooking and we don't have to limit our portions for fear of wastage.


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