My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Alright, so I am now finally in Calgary. whoppee... I can tell u its really cold here. When I arrived, it was about 10 and it has stayed that way so far, tho its a little erratic. When the sun comes out, it can rise to about 20 or more, then the clouds come by or the wind picks up and its back to 10... I won't be surprised if it went below 10 sometimes too. Its freezing when I take my bath but its alright once I am out of the bathroom cos I think the house is heated.

The room's pretty nice, spacious and all as u can see above. Just need to get a pillow. For now its holding up as one of my long pants which is reasonably comfy, jus a tad too small.
Food here's expensive too.. kinda like US, but I guess I will survive. Just went grocery shopping today and I bought quite a bit. Should last for some time haha. Oh and I watched my very first American Football game today! It was hmm.. kinda fast and slow at the same time. Fast as in the action of it all, with the constant thigh grabbing, chest pushing, arm locking and shoulder banging happening within a few seconds or so. However, every time a tackle is made (and this happens almost constantly) the time stops and they hustle again, thus the slow part. But it was fun nontheless. Pictures on facebook sorry ahha!


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