My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, October 29, 2004


Well, seems like I'm in school... again... and alone as usual. Was supposed to meet up with someone to study with, but that person didn't turn up, and didn't let me know, as usual. It's like I'm one who can be easily if not purposely forgotten. And that, my dear readers, is one damn sucky feeling.
To know that you are making an effort to reach out but yet realise that it is taken for granted and become forgotten instead... Is it even describable? Pretend that a person is in a well, and you are there trying to help the person, the person ends up ignoring you instead. Worse still, when you feel like walking away, that person seems like you actually do matter, and you feel obligated to stay. What's up with that? Typical case of being lead on, and it really isn't a feeling I would like to recommend.
So, as I was saying, I'm feeling all confused and alone again, wondering if I'm really doing the right thing and if I'm just too sensitive or if my predictions are true. To have one happy thought can bouy many sad ones, but if the one thing that can provide you with a happy thought can give you ten sad ones as well, then is that really considered a good thing? If it contradicts its own exsistense, does it justify its presence?


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