My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Monday, September 12, 2005


Someone said to me:
"you know shawn
i think you deserve someone good,
like only the best
so its ok even if you dont have a gf
i dont think its a big deal not to be attached. like the wait is really worth it
so you shouldnt like be sad or lament about it
To u I say a big thank you. Although I already told u how sweet u are, I feel I still need to say once more, thank you for being so sweet. It put a big smile on my face. As I said too,
the prettiest pics are not kept in the cam but in the head, and the happiest times are not penned in words but kept in the heart and the most wondrous things are the smallest things, the simplest things that God created. If we are able to see and appreciate these things, we can be happy at any sad moment, humbled at any point of pompusnous and wizened at all times. So now I have something happy to blog about, and I owe it to u.

to the other you whom I spoke to,
I thank you too because you bothered,

and to u who I hold so dear,
I wish I could speak to u more


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