My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, January 13, 2006

and so, the truth is but a lie?

Just a show of hands,
which of u girls want a nice guy?
A sweet guy who treats you well,
a guy who cares,
a guy who wonders where you are,
a guy who bothers how you are?
Aha, most of you have put up ur hands eh?
Now let me ask,
which of u girls REALLY want that in a guy?
as in REALLY REALLY *cross your heart and hope to die* REALLY?
Already you can forsee a drop in the number of hands.
Where is all that gushing now?
All the swoons about the dream guy you want,
how sweet or caring or nice he is supposed to be...
Cos when u meet such a guy,
u want to keep him as a friend,
and when that guy likes u,
haha, and people question why I said girls are liars.


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