My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Monday, January 02, 2006

A new year resolution

And so, the rat race begins once more.
Thus marks the beginning of a new year, a new term.
Looking back at this past year, it has been a roller coaster ride of sorts.

'Twas the beginning of 2005, the feelings strongest for the first in this school.
Feelings thus started since 2004,
a fresh wound nonetheless.
The term ended then, bitterness waned,
but guardedness at its high no doubt.
The long hols served up new feelings,
some foreign, some familiar.
Friends making was at its peak,
but regret in it I sometimes have.
Then here on comes another term,
promising a fresh beginning.
Alas I did not notice,
the hint of a repeat, the threat of a relapse.
And repeat it did; this thing called history,
with so many similar points it sometimes baffles me.
I took it upon myself to stop what was to start,
only to hurl myself into the middle of it all.
In the end, it was to naught,
and in the end I am to blame;
all that has happened, was in not all the same?
The hints and actions, was I so blind?
This term marked its end too,
thank goodness not on a bitter note.
Before the end of 2005,
I resolved to make things better,
and better it would be.

But would it? My resolve is not that strong after all.
What can I say... I am a sucker for re-runs


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