My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, February 01, 2008

confusion days

What is it about something,
that makes you wonder about it?

What is it about someone,
that makes you wonder about him or her?

Since everything happens for a reason,
could confusion possibly be one of them?

Why is it that what you ever wonder,
is usually also what confuses?

The deeper we dig,
into the deep recesses of what is our mind,
we find more reasons behind the reasons,
excuses behind the excuses...
And in the end, we are only more confused,
more confused than when we first started.

As confusions days set in,
as what besets me now,
I am returned once again to days of past,
Oh, how nostalgic it seems,
as if I am back to the first day.

May this be over soon.


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