My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Was reading through my friend's blogs and found most of them depressing. Then I look around my other friends and they are facing this depression issue too. Sigh... I wish I could make people happier and keep them happy. There are my friends who are really happy, and I'm glad for them. But how I wish they could rub some of it off on those other friends of mine who are sad. I have already started to feel that it'll be pointless for me to find a girl who could like me as I am. Yes, "I am a nice guy", yes, "I am oh so sensitive", but in the end, does it even matter? Ah, heck it. So what if I can only be treated and more valued as a good friend? Isn't it better to make my friends smile? So what if people can gain reassurance that I appear more stoned than them? So what if I might be troubled so that people can be more light hearted? Just wish that happiness could come upon my friends, and it could stay that way.


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