My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Hmmm, how should I start? Let's see... I went back for orientation camp run 2 as a helper. It was much better this round, firstly because the freedom we get as a helper is much better, secondly because the people are generally better. The freshies this round are happier and friendlier. Got to know a few new people, and some of them are those I have wanted to know like Elizabeth, and Denise, and I got to know people like Mabel and Steph more... Oops, I just realised they are all girls! Darn, can't clear the slate there. Hee...
Basically, this one week has been "filled with girls" basically because I was involved with the freshies twice. When I went for the Fides retreat, I got to know a few more people and these girls also came for run 2 thus now I know more people. Let me reinstate, people! Means both girls AND guys. I know many people will be asking about that so must use disclaimer. It was generally a great week.

~ it's so irritating to be misunderstood. I like you? Dun kid urself. I like her? Are u alright? I like her too? Go wash your tongue. I act like I am wiser? Huh? I seem to be an MCP? Are u sure? Sigh~


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