My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Yea yea! I'm Free Of Charge!!! Haha, nah, just came back from Freshman Orientation Camp lah, although I did so like on Thurs. Sorry for the belated entry guys! I was busy mah. See, those are the pics of my wall, nice right? Everyone say "nice!" haha!
Yea, so that was what I was doing on Sunday, painting, with ZX, thanks dear! Then I had dinner with my freshies at Marche, then coffee with them again. Sigh my freshies said they felt shortchanged! Cos I sounded enthu over the phone and over sms, and I looked stoned that night... wah lau, so sad right, then they said I looked sian during the camp too. Sigh, I need to get a face lift, to "lift my smile" haha, how lame... Then I met Nat for supper, haha, yes yes, she "feels fat" wonder why...
Had ZX over again to help me draw on the wall now. Ok, I drew, she helped me fill in the colours, but she was real great help. Then I proceeded for dinner with BC, welcome back from Canada dude. Then well, it was prep for camp, nuthin much.
Camp camp camp! Haha, it was a small group for me lah, thank God, otherwise I would have died. But it rained, and rained and rained! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''', ok u get the drift. Anyway, it cleared up enough in the afternoon for us to do some water sports like dragon boating, canoeing, and bridging. I must say, my steering sucks! Kept directing the boat towards the bank. Then at night, there was a night walk. We wanted to scare the freshies, but it was too friggin bright! Some stupid golf course lah, darn! Then right, the good part came. We didn't need to sleep in tents! Haha, cos the campsite was like all bogged and water logged, so we had to sleep at the main tentage, how good right! Real good sleep sia.
2nd day of camp was welcomed with open arms and a bright day, bringing upon us a cheerful disposition. The games were good, albeit a tad messy, but was fun overall. Then came the walk to CDANs, where the dreaded committee members were dwelling, lurkin in the dark shadows, under the disguise of the 'committee for the students, by the students'... here came CO and RSM! Bah, dreadful people I tell you, coupled with the whining, touchy idiot excuse of a male... Nvm, them, at least it did not rain that night lest we be left swimming in the pitiful excuse of a tent with its leaking roofs. There was night cooking, open fire concept, but I didn't eat that, nvm about it though, I wasn't hungry... Was pissed full on RSM's ridiculous demands for clean mess tins... bah!
Last day of camp! Yea! Ok lah, not that it was THAT bad, but well, anticipation is always good right? The activities this time were more enriching, I hope, for the freshies. The rope elements were a let down since so little people participated in view of the little time we were given. The fianle game fell flat on its face, and the freshies left the place with puzzled faces and bewilderment of the childish concepts and how it was even agreed upon by the school in the first place. Proceeded to dinner with the facils at Crystal Jade, although I was invited to dinner with the freshies. I was afraid that I failed my job to bond with them, but they warmed my hearts by telling me not to worry and that I was a good facil and stuff like that. I "love them to bits" as my fellow female friends might occasionally gush. Went home, but home was so near, yet so far. I slept in the bus from the interchange, went past my house, and went back to the interchange! How loser right? Then I nearly missed it again on my way back home, AGAIN. Konked out on my bed immediately went I saw my pillow.
Woke up real early, wonder why too... then stoned in front of the com ( as usual right?). Then I got Anna out for lunch although it was at 3 and only I ate. Then we had a small snack from the food fair at Taka, before having the Triple A La Mode at Coffee Club Ex. Then had a swim at home with A before Supper with good ole Nat and Ray. Haha, maximise the use of the car whilst my parents were away ( they are back btw).
-Saturday & Sunday-
Nothing much, basically mentoring followed by church and stuff like that. My family's back now! The house is noisier, a welcome change. Well, thats it for now. Nah, alol you people, this is a normal post right.


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