My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Alrighty, time for updates I guess haha. The inactivity on my blog is partly because of the lack of creative juices worthy of blogging, and the partly because I've been pretty busy lately. Let's see.. on the 7th Nov to 12th Nov, I was in Vancouver, and on 17th to 18th Nov I was skiing

Firstly, Vancouver. It was a great place, despite the slightly drippy weather. It was a nice change of environment for me, as they have a real autumn there. The leaves on the trees come in a myriad of colours, ranging from green to yellow to orange, even pink and red, it was beautiful indeed. We made a visit to UBC, and it really is much larger than UofC and more beautiful, probably because of the trees and environment. There were really many Asians there too, which kinda reminded me how I would be missing seeing Caucasians everywhere I turn when I go back to Singapore. The only problem with Vancouver's weather is that it's more humid, so even when u go back into your room, its as cold inside as it was outside.... thankfully enough it was only 6 degrees as opposed to the -6 here in Calgary. It was a waste that I did not manage to try Asian food there since the people I was travelling with were not keen on the idea of Asian food, so majority wins... I'm still happy to have been there, and I won't mind going back some time in the future. Maybe in summer this time. Oh and point to note, I never realised that being with the same people all the time could be that stressful. Within only 5 days there was some kind of tension going on and it was stupid. Some people are just not meant to travel with others if they are unable to suck it up and just vent later. But whatever, I shall do the same.

Skiing was loads of fun. It was freezing, so my fingers and toes were in an almost constant state of numbness, and it was a tad uncomfortable, but the skiing more than made up for it. I first hit the low bund to get used to the skiis. Suprisingly enough, I didn't fall and I was able to ski almost immediately by imitating whatever I saw on TV. Kudos to American movies. After half the day skiing down that low bund, I though I had grasped enough of the technique to hit the actual ski run. Well, I hit it alright... by falling 10 times down the slope. I was apprehensive everytime I saw a steep drop of the slope and would fall over. Thankfully I had friends around who stuck by me to help me up though I felt really bad for holding them up. I learnt my lesson, and went back to the bund after I finally reached the bottom of the ski run. On the 2nd day, I attempted the ski run once more after the usual practice on the low bund. This time, I improved alot (not being proud here, just stating what my friends said... aren't they just so nice?). I only fell a total of 6 times in 7 runs, and 2 of the times was because on my last run, my thighs were so tired they started to stiffen and I could not turn so I figured falling and resting would be a wiser choice. The general comment by my more experienced friends was that I seemed to be going real fast, too fast for someone who had just learnt to ski, but otherwise still doing very well in manuovering down the slope. Success! Now I have one more experience to add to my list of "have to do it again" activities.

This week, it's probably more quiet, maybe just a party on Fri and a 2 performances over the weekend to watch, but otherwise nothing. Instead, it's time to get geared up for my Hawaii trip next week for a whole week, woo hoo~


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