My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Oh crap, I'm stuck here once again in the hell hole. Hmm, wait up, I shouldn't call this a hell hole right? Since this has become my second home, and who calls their home hell? Haha... ok, so maybe some people actually do, but I'm not that somebody, so there. Sigh... but this place is really dreadful. Hmmm, maybe its cos I am studying here that makes it a hell hole. I mean, who can deny that this place is beautiful in its own special way. The fields, greenery, *ahh* how relaxing. Walkin through the fields (or open space with grass on it, jus in case anyone wants to contest the existence of fields in the school compound) has quite an effect actually. Soothes the soul (ok, now all of u ppl shut up, I do have a soul ok, not jus a stone). Walkin with u was fun, too bad we can't do that anymore (in school at least, wonder if we'd walk on others, haha). Sigh, I'll miss this place next time. *urgh* the new campus sux. Give me a patch of greenery anytime and oh please jus get rid of that unsightly wall. Begone I say u spawn of the concrete jungle!
Oh damn, I think I am sounding eccentric once again. Its econs I tell u! its all this blasted subject's fault. To all you out there suffering the same fate as I am, my symphaties, my heart goes out to you guys; I hope u send me ur condolences too. But after this stoopied hurdle, I'll be free! Yea, can't wait... I wanna work, earn $$ to support myself, do something meaningful, although I think I cannot make it lah. Now I am looking forward to the KL trip, the faci trainings, and blah blah. Really wish to pump more life into myself or at least to make my life more interesting. Ah, I dunno, I need to practice my guitar for once, so that I can accept the compliments about my 'skills'. I know I k now, I should give myself more credit, but really, I suck. Wait till after the hols, maybe I'll be able to wear the compliments proudly on my chest. Need to practice drums too if I get the chance. I want to repaint my wall, and give it a more matured theme this time instead of all those cartoon/ comic relief.
Oh well, one can only dream. About those other dreams of mine... well, another tale for another time.


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