My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, August 05, 2005


Sigh... the word clubbing in Singapore has the common linkange to the word Mambo as well. It is, by itself, a cult that has so well succeeded in surviving for so long in Singapore. Sigh, clubbing also has certain connotations, mainly about the vices - smoking and drinking. Drinks are an obvious "accessory" to any clubber, whereas the cigarette is an expensive "sidekick" to its fellow clubbing buddy in crime(meaning the drinks).
For me, I will smoke if there is reason to. Drinking and smoke gets the person higher, so I would smoke to ensure that the person does not get high too quickly. My only other job there is to look after my friends. My Dad once commented to me that I seem to treasure friends more than my family. He might actually be correct. I actually bothered to stay till so late, just to make sure that my friends were starting to sober up.
~What am I thinking... Need to sort these things out soon, before school starts~


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