My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Sunday, October 16, 2005

damn funny

This was taken from one of YW's friend's blog, really funny.

On why woman are bad drivers
In conjunction with Wen's "tyco" passing of her driving test on the first try, lets ponder upon the abominations of the roads of Singapore...WOMEN!

Men step on their brakes and scream. Women scream and forget about their brakes.
Men keep one eye on the road and one eye on hazardous women drivers. Women keep both eyes on the road and crash into places like her house gate...Mmm
Men take bold turns into main roads and avoid stopping and waste time. Women check north south east west then stop suddenly and later scream at the poor guy who knocked into her backside.
Men pass their driving tests by outsmarting their testers. Women pass their driving tests by outdressing their testers. (ok shoot me for this, i juz wrote a sweeping statement)
Men get into accidents more. Women get into less accidents as they are the cause.
Men signal just before they turn or overtake. Women signal and take forever to move.
Men speed and get fined. Women drive on the right shoulder at 50km/h.

However, I expected u to pass YW, so I'm not as bad as ur fren eh? haha


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