My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Sunday, April 19, 2009

mixed inuendo

turn me round and round indeed,
drop the water on the dormant seed,
spinning thoughts after not the deed,
denying and defying listed ones in the creed,
is this akin to being blinded by greed?

so then, many others are in tow,
and you are tired, confused, irritated.
you want the fun, the naughty, the non-serious
we chit we chat, we do this and that,
and yet even now... no?

Change is for the better, one might say,
to others, it might be, not worth it
think think think.
if 1 is changed, and becomes 2, then 2 is not 1 and 1 is not 2, then would u still be u?
if 1 wants to be liked as 1, then changing to 2 just to be liked would not be 1 or 2.


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