My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Tick Tock

Tick tock tick tock,
the incessant noise of that infernal clock,
proving nothing less important,
than the time in passing.

The time in passing,
it hints to many;
a measure of something,
hardly grasped by any.

Within a time,
before the bell doth chime;
relationships made,
nothing more need be said.

Then would come the ending,
as one would expect;
goodbyes we would be sending,
to ones we do respect.

Heartaches, tears, memories treasured.
Yearning, longing, reminicing, remembering.
Words to describe whatever we feel,
simply because of the passing of time,
simply because of the ticking of the clock.


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