My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, November 18, 2005

Woo Hoo, all hail depressive nicks

It's back again...
depressive nicks rule the day...
"the day you msg me first is the day 天掉下来"
"Not being even a minute part of ur life kills me"
"time and time again u disappoint me"
"what use are honeyed words if they can't sweeten u"
"knowing what u might be doin now saddens me"
"takin a break from u is impossible"
"I can't drop u for anything, but I can drop anything for u"
hmmm... all of these are taken off personal messages, all telling a similar story. How saddening it is to read them once over. Is it due to the exam period that such depression sets in? Or is it just a reminder of what is really happening around? I wonder really... especially since these personal messages are personal. Meaning...
the easiest decisions which are the most difficult to ascertain
the simpliest of ideas which are hardest to explain
the oxymorons of life...
they break down the simple things and repackage them as confusing things
confusing things they leave alone, to rot they do not care,
but with the repackaging they do, they only serve,
to confuse the world further.
Is this confusing? Is this weird? Is this lame?
Natural tendencies of humans are such that they shut off what they do not understand.
How about this saying?
"Presenting the truth at its barest minimal makes truth less like the truth."


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