My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, February 03, 2006


As with the game Monopoly,
we would reach a point where we are told those famous words:
"STOP, go straight to jail, do not pass GO..."
Now once again I find myself at that spot...
and how funny,
ever noticed how "spot" is the jumbled spelling of "stop"?
Well, I digress...
The point is, there IS no point.
I think I have already said this before,
but in this case, the point is like a dot;
a full stop if you may,
a silent screamer to all to halt.
A single full stop is a scary thing,
if it is the only thing on a blank piece of paper.
It screams out at you to notice it,
and yet it is so easy to miss,
thus making it scream louder.
But what is all this for?
To what end does it seek?
All it asks for is to be noticed,
and when it is,
it wants to end.

It is time once more to stop,
and stop I must,
for insanity would greet the one who doesn't,
and this has to be done fast,
lest the efforts become a flop.


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