My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, March 31, 2006

Of things not straightened

This is going to be a post addressing homosexuality, after having a talk with some friends about it... I find it interesting, especially after the whole hype about brokeback mountain... It's not suprising, as an Asian context, that peopl still cringe at the mention of the word 'gay'. In fact, some people, especially guys, dun dare to watch it because they feel that by doing so they might be loooked upon as gays too. It's saddening in a way, since gays are human too, and the amount of criticism and scrutiny is not justifiable. If just by comparing gays and lesbians, lesbians seem to have it better. They don't seem to be as 'scary' in the public eye... maybe I'm wrong about this. Anyway, girls have it good also because of their nature. Let me explain... in a relationship, there are many stages, such as the dating, conversations, blah blah. Given the way of advancement, be it physically or mentally, there is a limit to where you can go if you are homo since you technically cannot settle down and start a family. This is the case for both sexes, however, guys also miss out on the communication part. Guys get bored easily? Maybe. Guys dun make much of a sharing person or a conversationalist? Almost definetely. This statement is made in general comparison to girls so there is a place for debate here. Anyway, based on this analysis, it is more probable for a gay couple to last a shorter time than a lesbian couple. Some people might comment that the promiscuity of some gays might probably be due to the horniness of guys (a common misconception since girls can be horny too haha).
How I look at it, is that we should definetely accept them. No, this is NOT an invitation to treat in the sense that I am turning gay or anything like that, but rather, it's not my position to judge. True, I don't think I'd be able to accept it if a gay were to chase me; I'd probably be really really freaked. However, we need to try to understand their position. In fact, a gay relationship can be considered more powerful, more special than a straight one. Look at it this way, if the couple is really able to experience love for each other, then isn't it good? At least from my point of view, the view of once who has not experienced a 2 way love, this is more than commendable. I would be happy for the couple, as with any other couple, if they really experience love for each other. Coupled with the fact that they are able to embrace their 'differences' and the stigma society has given them, it can be considered courageous in a way.
Understanding is one thing we all need to learn. The reason why we seem to be so homo-adverse is the enviornment and stigma that has been wrongfully placed on them. We have been conditioned to think that they are so different from them that we have definetely got to stay away from them. There has also been a misalignment of intentions along the way. As someone put it, it is precisely because we know that in the end it will not be good for the person's future mentality/feelings/mindset/spirituality, that we try to drag them back to the 'straight world'. Instead, gays think that we will critisize them, and therefore they shrink back from society, whilst this is exactly what we are afraid they'd do. This, as you all realise, is actually a case of circular arguement, but I can't seem to find the missing point that would otherwise make this a flawless arguement.
Well, I hope this has gotten you all thinking as much as it has done for me. Of course I don't expect you all to go out there with some "hug a gay today" kind of campaign, but... it would be good if this has somehow helped in easing some mental tension/barrier towards gays. In a very skewed and warped explanation, since the word 'gay' also means happy, therefore we should be happy for them if they are happy too.


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