My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Saturday, February 19, 2005

What if...

What if one were to like someone, is there a possibilty to like someone else as well? If that person does so, is it considered 'cheatin' on the other?
What if one tells someone he/she isn't interested in the other, when there is a slight possibilty that it might not be the case, is it advisable to tell the person in the end?
What if one assures the other of plain friendship but is subconsiously hoping for something more in the friendship than just being platonic?
What if one is afraid to like the other and knows that there is another liking that other, is it selfish to try to 'advertise' another to that other in hope that they get together?
What if one tries to link two people together but end up feeling a tinge of jealousy some how whenever he/she hears in detail what is happening between the the two?
What if things were never as complicated as we make it out to be,
What if whatever one does is only for some selfish desire,
What if one is not as good as what others perceive,
What if things could turn out the way we want,
What if time could be reversed,
What if time was ours,
What if...


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