My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Monday, August 08, 2005

Politeness misunderstood

My mail:
Just wanted to say that it has been nice knowing you, and it has been my pleasure being aquainted to you. Hmmm, I was wondering if I can contact you via msn? Cos its highly likely that I won't see you around school due to our difference in course. I forgot to ask you for your msn yesterday (the truth is that I'm too shy to ask in person, but most people beg to differ). So, if you don't mind being bothered by me then could you give me your msn? Hee...
The reply:
u r quite weird, haha. i never seen anyone use the words "being aquainted with u" in an email b4. n it's the 1st time pple ask for my msn thru email... haha
but im nice n i shall not mock u anymore. feel free to add me @ .....

Oh no... I have sucessfully scared someone else into thinking that I am weird. Shitz man... And everyone else I ask says that it really is a weird mail cos I was too polite. Darn it... Next time I shall just ask straight... Crap lah, not my fault lor. Just read Jane Austen kind of books so my English is styled after Victorian times English where all p's and q's are minded. It Doesn't pay to be polite. Screw it.


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