My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, April 07, 2006

In respite

not for better but for worse
I change, u change
blame time? blame surroundings
suppressed for long
released in a blast
triggered by unreasonableness
or is it unreasonableness alone
a part of human nature?
or infection from the environment?
People adapt
they enclose themselves
but to what end?
Pointless to explain,
pointless to deny,
pointless to continue,
pointless to...?
Sensitivity loss,
you think?
I am the same in sensitivity,
jus not the same in caring;
to care is so parse
He who was once called sweet,
is now called sour and bitter.
So what then caused this change?
Nature, my dear friends, nature.
No appreciation shown in the past
now has caused to loneliness to last
and with this loneliness comes the bittersweet memories
until the sweetness is gone
and what is left is bitterness...
or is it?
I digress... I talk too much, I think too much.
so I bid my goodbyes.
Till maybe, till someday, till somewhere, till dunno.


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