My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Thursday, October 25, 2007

After days of telling people back home that the weather's been good and it hasn't snowed yet even though it should have, according to past records, it snows...

It was raining at first and my friend mentioned the chance of snow but I scoffed at her comment and didn't think much of it. And when I walked out, I had to eat my words, and first snow.

It was beautiful. There's a certain romantic feel of snow at night. It's still not fully formed yet, as in its wet snow, but still, its enough to cover the trees, giving it an illuminous glow. It was enough to cover the ground in its purity. And the effect it had on the otherwise worried and stressed Uni students... People put down their pens and books and came out to savour the moment, and became once again small kids, frolicking in the snow and having mini games of snow ball fights and chasing one another. It was an endearing sight of sorts, to see friends come together once more in these stressful times of the midterms. And so I leave you with 2 shots before my camera battery gave out on me.

Beautiful isn't it?


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