My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Monday, October 22, 2007

Feet firmly planted,
the view before me daunts me;
the challenge seems too great,
my will does not help unfaze me.

First step forward,
my boot grips the ground firmly;
the elevation surprises me,
or should it even?

Step by step,
moving on;
feet grow heavy,
weighs a ton.

Breaths are laboured,
as I rise;
slopes are tapered,
spelling my demise.

Cold is blistering,
wind is howling;
fingers freezing,
and mind, wheeling.

But finally at the peak I reach,
and from there my reward stands;
the view, magnificient,
beauty perfected.

Ok, this is a pretty sad attempt to sound poetic with regards to my hike today. I went hiking up Kananaskis to its peak, at 2000+ metres which was some altitude for me. Well, its not that high as hikes go, but its my first hike to that height, first hike in snow, and first height with such steepness, which was 50 to 70 degrees elevation for the most part. It took me 3.5 hours, but it was worth it. The view.. it took my breath away, (pun intended) and well.. word's can't describe it, and neither can pictures though I can try...

This is the view from the top.
The upper and lower Kananaskis lakes.. the name kinda reminds me of upper and lower pierce reservoirs
And finally, me on the peak with the dizzying background behind me :)


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