My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Well, the title doesn't hide much I guess, and I'm bored, so here's just some random food pics that I've been having here in Calgary. It's not much, but it suffices I guess.

This was some sort of fried rice. It was pretty good I think.. just not spicy enough.
This one here was grilled trout on the left, and broiled cabbage with bacon on the right
The one on the left is something like Hor Fun, just without the noodles, cooked by my Japanese room mate. The dish on the right is some potatoes and minced beef with chilli.
This is Thai fried beef noodles which is once again not spicy enough. I start to wonder if they purposely watered down their chili sauce here just for the Canadians...
Ah, beef steak with mushrooms and pepper with potato slices and Vit C water. Great meal I would say. Beef is cheaper than chicken, and fish is the most expensive, thus one might notice the overusage of beef in my dishes (apart from the fact that I love beef)
And finally, what better way to end the day than with a beer. So here I am as a can of Becks Beer. Cheers everyone.


Blogger a daughter of God said...

someone's lookin funny with the long hair and beer can suit!

1:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bro! ur hair is way too loooooooooooong!

and cute outfit! but is that like green spandex?


9:50 AM  
Blogger shawnie said...

haha! firstly, yes my hair is getting long, but its all for keeping my head warm in the winter ahha! 2ndly, thanks, I made the suit. And lastly, no, its NOT spandex! hahaa

2:52 AM  

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