My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

school's started

Yes yes, school's finally started... After 18 weeks of no-brainer activities for me, I am once again hurled into the politics and fun and tiredness of school life. Projects will start soon, tests and other cruel what-have-yous that our profs devise to determine our demise. It is still quite fine though, to see all my friends again. I mean, its not as if I din see them at all this whole hols, but still, it has been a looooong time for most. Things have changed, or has it? Is it just a simple haircut, some loss/gain of weight? Or is it the mindset, the maturity, the reality of it all that has been realised during this long break that has changed? I wonder...

On a side note, let not what happened exactly one year ago happen now. Ok, not one year. Last Oct. Whatever. Please. I can't take it. I won't take it. No more.


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