My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Monday, November 08, 2004


Mua ha ha, I seem be in a little lighter spirits today... Just realised that MA test is this coming Thursday, and not next Thursday... Thanks Ah Wen for reminding me! Gonna die badly for this one... how how? Tomorrow's my Finance presentation... hope that bugger doesn't ask too many questions, I doubt if I will be able to understand most of them.
Hmmm, almost died today. Dunno why I suddenly felt extremely tired in the day, and I was struggling not to fall asleep even with all the racket. Seriously, why is it still considered a library? I think most professors would gladly have that amount of 'participative chatter' in class. Damn noisy lah... couldn't get anything done.
Went home with Ms Chuah (oops, did I spell right?) and went grocery shopping... Hmmm, seems like we two are really quite similar. Deep thinker, low esteem, well guarded... Maybe you can try opening up more. I dun dare ask you more actually, cos I sense apprehension to you, if I may use that term loosely. If you ever need help, you can always approach me. I'm not one who will turn down a person in need if I can help it.
Nothing much to update about the other stuff. Not really trying to think about it actually. Getting extremely confused, and that's the last thing I should be thinking about now with the looming shadow of the dreaded exams.


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