My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Friday, November 12, 2004


Today we got back our MA test results. Got 25/30... On the count that I didn't really study for the test, it's quite good right? Dun get me wrong. I studied, in the non-conventional way. As in, I didn't sit with a book in front of me and memorised the text, but reather relied on my friends calling me to ask questions. Through their questions, I learnt alot since they helped me 'memorise' my formulae and sort of 'forced' me to practice the questions. haha, well, thanx everyone! Damn, but this isn't over... we still have the finals!! haha, and this is only Term 1 of year 1! CAn u imagine doing this for another what, 7 terms? haha indeed!
Hmmm, so according to Joanne, I'm becoming a sad person not because I'm easily contented, but rather because she feels its obvious that 'she' has no feelings for me. The fact that I'm still trying to do something about it and persevere makes me a sad person. Hmm, do you all feel the same way too? *ponder ponder* This is making me blur...


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