My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Monday, June 09, 2008

So then, as work has started for about 3 weeks now, I would say that its great.. work load isn't too heavy yet, and I can still breathe comfortably. Been meeting lots of people and learning alot about this industry and still I have alot more to learn... But all in all, it is indeed a good job and start to working life for me.

Next aspect of life would be spiritual I guess... I have decided to be a principal facilitator for a Sec 3 church camp, perform a dance for WYD, draw for SPI, go for WYD, and rejoin RCIA as a sponsor. Thus marks the start of a desire to return to God in ways that I have been gifted for. Somehow, things have worked out in ways that push me towards utilising skills that I have been blessed in, and I am quite happy to do so. I sincerly hope that my doing so can somehow help me grow closer to Him, and that I will be able to grow in strength and love in Him... There are many aspects in my life that I am ashamed of and that I fall to temptation and make mistakes ever so easily.. But as I said, with these activities I pray that I learn to pray more too...

The usual suspect in my life of course needs little mention. This time round its a little different. Things seem a little more positive for me, and yet not so. Time seems to past me by so quickly, and yet not so. Basically, so much have happened and yet so little time has passed... Its like how people say that time as we know it is deemed and interpreted by what we do, so the more we do, the faster time seems to pass. But because of this, more confusion and fear is in play because I don't want this to be another hasty decision. I don't want this to be a replay of everything before... what I fear is that so many similarities are present and yet there are elements of difference.. Rarh.. Nvm.. let time tell then. I am willling to wait longer this time... until I am ready and when whoever that might be to be ready too.

Monday, June 02, 2008


As a sign post I now stand,
the way I point with my hand;
correct or not I am not sure,
but direction indeed for the blur.

Sigh... being a sign post isn't really that easy. What does it mean to be one? We stand around, and point people in the correct direction, although sometimes it should not be up to us to decide. It is alright if your role is to simply give some form of direction, however, sometimes we see that we have to point in directions we ourselves don't want to point. It's like how we are forced to give nice sounding advice to support the other who is sad, although we might not really want to? Conflict of interest if you may. SIGH...