My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Run, run away,
Free like the wind,
at one place u do not stay.

Go, go as u will,
Ur own goal is set,
I cannot keep u still.

Turn, turn ur back,
look in another direction,
but to my intentions cut some slack.

Stay, stay in ur corner,
For I know u'd rather that,
Than me callin u "ger".

Do I make sense?
Of course I dun.
But is it meant to?
To u it should.

Ignorance is bliss.
It leaves u with blisters,
and leaves u hanging.
U dun know what u missed,
but u dunno what u had too.
Too bad...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Nobody's home

The hols is coming to an end, but hmmm, when was the last time mid term breaks were really hols? I wonder that too. Taking a short recap, something I have not done for so long, I have had many a packed day. I leave at 9 in the morning and reach home after 12 for almost everyday. Today was reading up some stuff, followed by marketing meeting, followed by church meeting. Yesterday it was QM and CAT followed by movie, which was good. The movie was well written and acted, and the company was real great. Hope the feeling's mutual haha. Jus hope I wasn't too lame as usual, maybe I overdid things... Anyway, it was meetings all around before that too, and how can I forget, STOP? The fides retreat was great, even if I was hardly there cos of Waikiki. Oh, Waikiki was ok lah, jus tat I made a few mistakes, darn. Back to the retreat, it was great in terms of what we did altho there were some spoilers (V, u know what it was lah haha, so dun smile) The thing is, I dun really know what I am doin anymore, its confusing and I dun really wish to bore all of u readers, no matter how few, about this life of mine that has been put on random repeat mode. Oh well, off to another retreat tomorrow. I hope I am really able to resolve what is buggin me...

I come home to find u,
but in a corner u hide.
I wished u'd have been there too,
but u were never one to abide.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Absence of Light

In the night when darkness falls

its time when ur mood does too

what u do in time to come

is expect the onslaught of sadness

beacuse that is all u can do

defenceless against this rush of emotions

would u have rather offered up ur heart willingly

since the end result is similar

minus the painful wait before the inevitable

The number game

Is it just mE?
the thinGs i think about,
they waste my timE,
oR do they?

All that fills my mind,
are thoughts of 325687194
and that Doesn't help at all,
because its mentalLy draining.

what should i do theN?
to try with failure in sight,
is still better than not trying at all.
i should just forget the numbers,
and concentrate on others.
can i?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Val-my-ass Day

Haha, yep, dats right, its tat time of the year once more. The time when u see guys in girls departments and vice versa, whilst they do their last minute shopping. Lol, so much for getting something for that 'special someone'. More like 'better get something lest she/he gets angry/disappointed'. Of course, there are many people out there who complain that this day is just a highly commercialised day where money hungry shop owners try to cash in as much as possible so I shall not go on further. Instead, lets see this whole warped concept that people should 'show their love' on this day. Aiyah, u love the person then jus show it EVERYDAY. U dun need to buy flowers for the gal or cook for the guy. Jus SHOW U CARE. I mean, in all this hustle and bustle, couples seem to neglect this fact and den when Vday comes they rush about to show their feelings. I mean, that the hell lah, if u care, u care. If u love the person that much, then come on, whats a bit of ur time to show u care? If u can only rely on this day, then like wth... Haha, maybe I should direct this at the guys since someone told me this sometime ago:

Caring men are like UFO sightings,
U hear all about them,
but u never get to see them.

How true...

Then again, to u girl,
u are now experiencing a UFO sighting...
did u know that?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Life as it is

Gave it a shot,
and shot myself instead.
Put my thoughts aside,
instead I placed them right inside.
Tried to kick the feelings away,
but here I find they are to stay.
Displayed my intentions,
presented suggestions,
but in the end all is naught,
never will I tie the knot.

haha, don't I just sound pitiful,
once again I am back to this state,
one that I regret having to be in,
one I have hated being in,
but yet I am always in it...
Like damn sad lah....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Home for you

I have no disarming good looks,
no boyish cute charm.
I own no bulging muscles,
no dark tanned arm.
I inherit no overwhelming wealth,
no hill of gold.
I boast no intelligent wit,
no good things of to be told.
What I have instead I say,
is a heart presented in shy display,
in hope that you would come and stay,
and not leave it empty to my dismay.
So come on in,
I welcome you,
to a home prepared,
for one like you.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

haha... what a joke

Shawn, when you're in love, you're an Essential Companion. Approximately 22% of people share this type with you. What does this title say about you? Read on to find out.

If someone is looking for a genuine, down-to-earth partner who knows how to treat others with kindness, they'd best look in your direction. As an essential companion, you're one who not only respects and values the people in your life, but who makes your relationships a top priority. However, you're usually not the type to try to impress others with fancy romantic gestures. Nor are you a person who is apt to spend time worrying about your appearance in a superficial manner. If that special someone is willing to take you as you are, you will happily do the same for them. However if they're not, you'll probably keep on walking.

You're probably interested in finding a partner who will be equally committed to things like quality time and genuine communication. That way, the two of you can focus on one another without all the bells and whistles that some people consider an essential part of a good relationship. When you find an individual who feels the way you do about these things, the relationship you create will be a truly special one.

Wind u can see

Watch the grass,
how they sway;
Hear the leaves,
See the waves,
here's the tide;
Notice the backwash,
I drift away,
far from sight;
Know I have left,

Friday, February 03, 2006


As with the game Monopoly,
we would reach a point where we are told those famous words:
"STOP, go straight to jail, do not pass GO..."
Now once again I find myself at that spot...
and how funny,
ever noticed how "spot" is the jumbled spelling of "stop"?
Well, I digress...
The point is, there IS no point.
I think I have already said this before,
but in this case, the point is like a dot;
a full stop if you may,
a silent screamer to all to halt.
A single full stop is a scary thing,
if it is the only thing on a blank piece of paper.
It screams out at you to notice it,
and yet it is so easy to miss,
thus making it scream louder.
But what is all this for?
To what end does it seek?
All it asks for is to be noticed,
and when it is,
it wants to end.

It is time once more to stop,
and stop I must,
for insanity would greet the one who doesn't,
and this has to be done fast,
lest the efforts become a flop.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

New Year New Name

Yep, its the Lunar New Year once more and I've decided to change my blog title and description... My msn nick also seems to be telling a story to people who noticed, such as
"I love bein wif u but u dun... wat gives" or "iwannadatethepersoniamchattingwith, butwhyistheansweralwaysno" hahaha... how about "icanwishonallthestarsandstillyouwillnotspeaktome"... darn its depressing...
haha, I have been questioned about them... why? Why do I word them so? but why too do u all qns me? is there really a need to? The ans is obvious, and askin me is jus so to remind me about it. Its quite apparent actually, but what's the point of it all?

haha, leave me be, I should be able to think it through soon enough...

stupid little person,
am I to spell it out?