My world - as I see it

Mainly used to showcase my art pieces now if they can be called such

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Was reading through my friend's blogs and found most of them depressing. Then I look around my other friends and they are facing this depression issue too. Sigh... I wish I could make people happier and keep them happy. There are my friends who are really happy, and I'm glad for them. But how I wish they could rub some of it off on those other friends of mine who are sad. I have already started to feel that it'll be pointless for me to find a girl who could like me as I am. Yes, "I am a nice guy", yes, "I am oh so sensitive", but in the end, does it even matter? Ah, heck it. So what if I can only be treated and more valued as a good friend? Isn't it better to make my friends smile? So what if people can gain reassurance that I appear more stoned than them? So what if I might be troubled so that people can be more light hearted? Just wish that happiness could come upon my friends, and it could stay that way.

Monday, March 21, 2005

check this one out Posted by Hello

another cool one by XH Posted by Hello

hahha, 70's BIMB... er, how do u spell that? haha Posted by Hello

da good ole days Posted by Hello

da whole jean gang Posted by Hello

me and the hostess Posted by Hello

the 3 pretties Posted by Hello

cool pic edited by XH Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Back to the 70s

Dang, the first post I did was deleted. "bad blog!!!!" Haha, well, had so much fun at KY's birthday yesterday I had to blog. XH had decided the theme, retro night, and I spilled the beans! Bah, how dumb can I get... I din know it was a surprise, but ah well, I'm damn sorry anyway.
Hmmm, I had to go to YW's house to change cos there was no way I was going to take the MRT dressed like dat! I was dressed in my Dad's wedding suit, or part of it anyway, for guaranteed 'retroness'. It was a dark brown long sleeved shirt with ruffles in front and at the end of the huge cufflings. Then the cufflings and collar was soooo starched up man! The pants was lighter brown and oh so belled. Never had such huge bell bottoms... Man I looked good.... Hahahaaha! Hey, a few moments of self praisal would do me good right guys? guys? come on! dun laugh at me!
well, back to the topic, we had fun, jus pure jokes and light hearted fun, all thanx to our flower turning adult. hee, and if u are reading this KY, lets do this again! It was so fun, I'm sure the others wun mind.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

it has been a long time

Yesh, I know, it has been a long time since I last blogged, no thanx to my extremely boring existence. Bleah. How irritating. Ha ha, I guess I'm just hard to please. When I have stuff to do, I complain; when I have nuthin to do, I complain nonetheless.
Jus realised that it is already the tenth week of school. Well, actually not just realised, more like just acknowledged that it is this late already. I dun think school work will go well for me this term, especially for FA. I hate that subject... especially since my sis is so 'zhai' in it and I suck totally. Hate TWC, totally catch no ball about it. Econs... always hated it since JC, wonder how I'll ever do a double degree in it. Comms... with a prof who isn't very clear with her instructions either... LTB, Lazy to The Bone. So, how will I fare this term? I see no light at the end of the tunnel, and the tunnel has been branching all the time in the dark... how blind I feel. Damn this feeling.

Feelings be not sad

Darkness decends upon me
sleep overpowering
visions blurred two to three
energy nought to do a thing
Dreams wash adrift
ideas are misled
mindsets start to shift
feelings be not sad